From GuentertWiki
Software developed by P. Güntert and collaborators.
Available software
- ATNOS: Automated NOESY peak picking
- AUTOPSY: Automated peak picking in NMR spectroscopy
- CANDID: Combined automated NOE assignment and structure determination module
- Chess2FLYA: Chemical shift statistics to FLYA
- COCO: Compare covalent geometry
- COFIMA: Coordinate and constraint file manipulation
- CYANA: Combined assignment and dynamics algorithm for NMR applications
- CYRANGE: Determination of optimum residue ranges for the superposition of protein structures
- GARANT: General algorithm for resonance assignment
- INFIT: Coupling constants from inverse Fourier transformation of in-phase multiplets
- KUJIRA: Interactive and semi-automatic NMR spectra analysis
- MAPPER: Sequence-specific NMR assignment of proteins by global sequence mapping
- POMA: Product operator formalism in Mathematica
- PROSA: Processing algorithms
- UPLABEL: Unique pair labeling
- XEASY: X-windows version of ETH automated Spectroscopy
Other software
Not separately available, not yet available, or outdated software.
- ASNO: Semi-automated assignment of NOEs
- CALIBA: Calibration of NOE distance constraints
- DIANA: Distance geometry algorithm for NMR applications
- DYANA: Dynamics algorithm for NMR applications
- EASY: ETH automated spectroscopy
- FLATT: Baseline correction for multidimensional NMR spectra
- FLYA: Fully automated structure determination of proteins in solution
- FOUND: Grid search and stereospecific assignment algorithm
- GLOMSA: Global method for stereo-specific assignments
- HABAS: Grid search and stereospecific assignment algorithm
- IFLAT: Baseline correction for multidimensional NMR spectra
- INCLAN: Interactive command language
- OPAL: Energy refinement and MD simulation algorithm for vector supercomputers
- OPALp: Energy refinement and MD simulation algorithm